Sunday, May 16, 2010

Third AND final ultrasound

This past Wednesday I had my third ultrasound. And the GREAT news is...I don't have to have a C-section!!! Well, not for my low lying placenta anyway. Barring any "normal" complications, I have been cleared for a vaginal delivery. YEAH! My placenta is now 4 1/2 centimeters away from the cervix and the baby is head down. I can't tell you how happy I am about that :)

Now, if we can just get the baby to make it's grand entrance into the world, everything would be perfect!


Porter and Karla said...

that is wonderful news:)

Kelly Ann said...

yea! that is great news!

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

Hooray! What a relief. Hope you are surviving


TrishAnderson said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! I hear you are nesting and up and around like crazy now. Come on baby, come say hello to all of us!!!!

Monica said...

I'm voting for May 28th about....1:55pm! And I say....GIRL!

Niki said...

Monica--I hope I go before the 28th...but at this point I will take anything before my actual due date:)

Unknown said...

Good luck...can't wait to see pictures of your new baby!