Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Five years ago today Matthew and I got married. And even though I woke up this morning to find the sink still full of the dishes Matthew promised to do before bed last night, I am still glad he's my husband.


Unknown said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! You guys are so cute!

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I wish you guys the best, and hopefully you'll be able to have some couple time.


Love the wedding picture!

Annie M. said...

Wow, you guys have accomplished a lot in 5 years!!! 3 beautiful kiddos!!!!! Congrats on 5 years. I miss you! XOXOXOXOXOX

Erin Leigh said...

ha ha, i like the dishes comment. that's how i always feel about aaron, promises he doesn't keep - still glad he's my husband! :)

Mayhem no longer said...

Congrats! Happiness to all!

TrishAnderson said...

Happy belated anniversary! I miss you terribly. Every time I drive by your subdivision I wish I had time to just stop and say hello. I still haven't forgetten about dinner and we need to visit.

PS, I LOVE that picture of you two. Time sure does fly when you are having fun, right?

Sara Adams said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I love the dishes comment. LOL!! Isn't it so the truth?!?!

Kristen Crandall said...

Yeah!!! Congrats on the anniversary. You two fit so well together. I heard a country song today from Brad Paisley that compared love when you first meet to love now. The chorus says....and I thought I loved you then. Hope your love has grown 5 fold since the day you said "Yes".