Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who would you invite?

Recently Emma held an exclusive tea party in the boys room/play room. Only the coolest of cool were invited! As you can see, Mom and siblings were not deemed cool enough :)

In all seriousness, though, I love this girls imagination and ability to entertain herself so easily and so happily. She loves to come up with original scenarios as well as act out scenes from her favorite movies (Toy Story 3 and Tangled currently top the list.) She will be 4 in one month, but she speaks and acts much older than her age. She is a real joy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Graduation Day

Can you believe I have a child old enough to be going to kindergarten? I can't! Seriously, this last 5 1/2 years since Aidan was born has FLOWN by. That is probably (due in part) to the fact that I have been pregnant most of that time, but it's crazy to think that almost six years has past since he came into our family. And Emma--almost four!! They are growing up so fast...

Aidan and Emma had a GREAT year at pre-school this year. I was blessed to have them both at the same pre-school, at the same time, just with different teachers. Emma had Sister Willard in the 3/4 year old class, and Aidan had Sister DeGomez for his pre-kindergarten class. Both teachers were so wonderful to my kids. Emma learned a lot of social skills as well as how to write her name, all of her letters, and about 30 sight words. She loved doing her homework every week and I have seen a great desire to learn in her. She is always asking for paper and a pencil to practice writing and loves to do her flash cards with Daddy every night. Aidan has matured by leaps and bounds this year. He too, learned how to write his name, letters, numbers, and sight words. He is having a harder time with the sight words than Emma, but then again he is not a visual learner. I think is going to be very well prepared for Kindergarten. Speaking of which we were able to get Aidan into the Vail School district!!! He will be going to Mesquite Elementary, and starts July 18th!!! It is only half day, but weighing that with the level of education he'd be receiving at Mesquite, it was really a no brainer. I also think that Aidan is a bit "young" for his age still, and half day will suit him well for the upcoming year.

I tear up when I think of how proud I am of my two older children. They are becoming little people with thoughts, opinions, ideas, and imaginations. I love listening to them at play and in discussions with each other about the things they observe around them. It does my heart good when they are kind and respectful of each other (something we are still working hard on!) I love them very much and am grateful to be their mom. I know there will come a time in the not so distant future when the last thing in the world they want is to hang out with me, but I am so grateful to be at home with them during these years. I have to give the credit for that to Matthew for how hard he works at both Raytheon and with his own business, so that we have enough to meet our needs and some of our wants.

Congratulations to my little graduates!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sister time

Lately, Olivia has really been enjoying spending time with her big sister! A few minutes before this picture was taken, Aidan and Emma were watching Up. When Aidan got up to go to the bathroom, Olivia high tailed it over to his chair, climbed in and hung out with her big sis.

Aidan is off to the side trying to get her to get out of his chair by sweet talking her--coaxing her to go to him. By the smile on her face, she wasn't fooled!

Watching intently...

...very intently. Check out Emma's face. It must have been a "high action" part of the movie. Anyway, Olivia spent the rest of the movie sitting next to Emma. They were holding hands at one point, but I didn't get to the camera in time. I hope these two grow up to be the best of friends. I never had a sister, but always wanted one--I hope for my girls to be as close as two sisters can be!!